Thursday, November 17, 2016

First Oncology Appointment

Good evening everyone. Today Momma had her very first oncology appointment at the Montgomery Cancer Center with Dr. McDaniel. Dr. McDaniel was, in my opinion, excellent today as he walked my mom and dad through what the upcoming months will hold. However, Dr. McDaniel had news for us that was more somber than any of us were anticipating. We got to the Cancer Center at 7:15 this morning and after several stacks of paperwork and visits from some of momma's favorite coworkers, we were finally in the back waiting on Dr. McDaniel. Dr. McDaniel introduced himself and allowed my Momma the opportunity to tell her side of this awful story before he dove into what the charts and paper had to say about it. Then, Dr. McDaniel started to give us the news that science and medicine had presented to him. Dr. McDaniel confirmed that Dr. Christien at UAB did get all of the cancer and negative margins to the naked eye. Dr. McDaniel informed us that momma's tumor was roughly 2 inches in size. Dr. McDaniel then went on to talk about the lymphnode involvement that Dr. Christien had told us about. Dr. Christien removed 6 of momma's lymphnodes and of the 6, 3 lymphnodes tested positive with cancer. Dr. McDaniel then told us that cancer is rated on a scale of aggressiveness 1 to 3. 1 is that least aggressive form of cancer and 3 is the most aggressive form of cancer. Unfortunately, we found out today that momma's cancer was rated at a 3, and with the lymphnodes involved, Dr. McDaniel wants momma to have a PET scan so we can see more in depth what we are dealing with and if the cancer has spread elsewhere. With this shock still weighing on us, Dr. McDaniel kept pressing on with more information. Given that momma's cancer is at a stage 3 aggression level, Dr. McDaniel wants momma to have the most aggressive form of chemotherapy possible. He listed 3 different chemotherapy drug names, and please forgive me because this teacher has no idea what the drug names are, and said that he wants to start momma off with the drug that is used on patients that have stage 3 and 4 cancer. Momma's cancer is staged at a 2, so Dr. McDaniel seems to think that this drug will be the best bet for momma in giving her the best chance at "survival". Momma will start chemotherapy sometime between mid December and the beginning of the new year. Dr. McDaniel told us that momma would be coming to the cancer center on Mondays for 6 to 8 hours worth of chemo. Momma will then go home with more IV administered chemo through Tuesday and she will return on Wednesday to turn the IV chemo off. Momma will get a week's worth of rest and the the process with begin again. Chemotherapy will be done for at least 6 months. Dr. McDaniel said that this chemotherapy drug is tough on the body. He warned momma that she would be weak, sick, and fatigued and that she will also have weight and hair loss as an affect of the chemo. He also did not sound very hopeful about Momma being able to work during her time of chemotherapy. Dr. McDaniel was very matter of fact, but he was also very thorough. He did not rush his time with us, and he made sure that all questions were answered before he left the room. Prior to leaving, Dr, McDaniel joined hands with us and lead my family in a prayer. We all thought very highly of this, and it meant a great deal to us. Upcoming prayer requests include: -Momma's PET scan tomorrow, November 18, 2016 and results of this PET scan -Momma will be having an IV port put in on Monday, November 21, 2016 -Momma is concerned about not being able to work during chemo -Lifted spirits for momma and this family -Strength for momma as she begins the road with chemotherapy -The doctors and nurses that will be taking care of momma during this time ahead I saw a quote today that read "If there is a Goliath in front of you, then there is a David inside of you". My momma has a David inside of her and a GOd that will fight FOR HER. She needs only to be still. More updates to come in the following days. As always, thank you for the prayers and keep them coming!! Exodus 14:14 -Kailey


  1. I have tears in my eyes as I read this. I am so sorry to hear this news. Kim I know you know this but you are a very strong woman and I know you can kick this thing in the butt.... You have a David inside of you bringing down the cancer gaint.... My prayers are always with you and your family.... Thank you for the update.

  2. Love you all. We are here to help you walk through this storm. We are praying with you and for you.

  3. Love you all. We are here to help you walk through this storm. We are praying with you and for you.

  4. In prayer for your family! We are here for you all!! Love you!

  5. Kim...I don't feel like I "know" you very well "yet" but I can feel in my heart what a loving, caring women you are. I'll be praying for you to beat this diagnosis with all my heart. God is there for you ALWAYS and so are so many of your friends and family. Love, Nancy Cornell

  6. Sweet Barkley family, I'm so sorry to hear this news. But yes , you will beat this and have a story to tell. I love yall and if you need anything please call. I'm hear for you.
