Thursday, November 3, 2016

Let's Play Catch Up

Good afternoon to all! Please let me start by apologizing that this is the first blog post in the past few weeks. Things have been crazy in the Barkley household, but I am happy to report that things with Momma are going great! A few weekends ago, the weekend of October 21- October 23, I was at school anxiously awaiting 3 o clock so I could come home and see momma. I had been texting her off and on throughout the day and Momma had said that she was feeling great, almost back to her old self. Unfortunately, mom was having some issues with her JP drain. The drain was essentially draining everywhere except for the actual drain. Momma ended up going to our family doctor and was referred back to UAB where she was admitted for the weekend. Once momma was finally able to come home, she had taken a complete 180 in the way she was feeling and her spirits. She made some comments that Sunday night that scared me tremendously, and Luke, Sheila, and Daddy were all uneasy as well. Throughout the next week, I stayed home with Momma. I finally felt like I was able to do something helpful throughout this whole ordeal. It was extremely difficult to feel helpful when I was living three hours away in Huntsville. I am happy to say that Momma has improved tremendously in the past couple of weeks. Momma is actually looking like MY momma for the first time since this nightmare started. Momma's strength is improving everyday. She is able to do more with each passing day. She is getting her sense of humor back, and her spirit is the best I have seen it since this whole ordeal started. Thanks be to God! As always, we ask for continued prayers. Pray that her spirit stays positive and that the strength keeps improving. Most specifically, we ask that you pray for her appetite. The surgery has done a number on her taste buds and she says that nothing tastes good to her. The surgery also had an end result that left Momma without a fourth of her stomach. She is eating very small portions because it is al she can handle right now. In my mind, Momma has had a significant weight loss. Please pray that we can keep the weight loss to a minimum so that she will be strong and ready to fight once she starts her chemo. We love you all and are so incredibly grateful for the love, support, and prayers that you continue to pour out on our family. Please keep the prayers coming! "Though she stumbles, she will not fail, for the Lord upholds her with his right hand." Psalm 37:24 -Kailey


  1. Thank you so much for the update. I have been wondering how your mom was doing. Please tell her I said hello...Liz

  2. Thank you so much for the update. I have been wondering how your mom was doing. Please tell her I said hello...Liz
