Friday, October 14, 2016

Day 3 Post Op Update

     Mom is doing a lot better today!! She has done a total of 3 or 4 laps around the unit (today WITHOUT a walker), which is probably at least 300 or so feet per lap, she got an actual shower and she climbed some stairs with PT!  They pulled her foley this morning, kidney function is within normal limits.  No more fever to note.  I am unsure of what her WBC count is down to, but im hoping it has come down and if the way she is doing is any indication, then it has!

     Dr Christein rounded a little while ago and seems to be more concerned about the amount of drainage still coming from her drain than anything else.  He reiterated that she will probably have to go home with a drain.

     Otherwise everything is going as planned. They did move Mom to a different room late last night, so anybody visiting this weekend, she is in room S748.

     Thank everyone for continued prayers.

- Luke


  1. Yay!!!! Such good news...Thanks for update...Please give your mom my love...

  2. Yay!!!! Such good news...Thanks for update...Please give your mom my love...

  3. Great News! Hugs and love to ya'll
