Monday, October 10, 2016


"You may make many plans, but the Lord's plan will always prevail." (Proverbs 19:21)

      This has been an extremely difficult verse for me personally in the last couple years of my life. I now feel that it may become a difficult verse for my mother too.

     My mother and I are both extreme "planners". I suppose I have my Mom to thank for my planning tendencies. So what do we do when plans do not go the way in which we plan? My mom, I can assure you, did not plan for cancer. My mom grew up, went to school, got married, planned to have her children, and grow old with her husband while watching her grandchildren play in their back yard. In that picture perfect blueprint, cancer does not fit in. However, something I have learned in recent years, is that our plans are just that, blueprints.

     Blueprints are defined as a design or technical drawing. When builders come together to build someone's dream house they draw up a blueprint. Often times when the building process gets started blueprints can change drastically. (I know this thanks to a multitude of shows on HGTV that my mom and I have always enjoyed watching together). My mom had a blueprint. I had a blueprint. Everyone who has ever lived has a blueprint.

     Some individuals have their blueprint turn into wonderful dream lives. Others blueprints sometimes become shifted, but that does not mean a beautiful life cannot rise from the ashes. Our God is still in the miracle business. He has not retired, nor will He ever retire from the miracle business. Does life throw us curve balls? Absolutely. The great thing about it is God can take the curve balls of our lives, that are not in our blueprints, can not be turned into a home run for God's glory.

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the Earth." (Psalm 46:10)

"Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; He will never fail you nor abandon you." (Deuteronomy 31:8)

     This is a crazy life that my family is living. We have had many heartaches and many trials, but we are strong in our faith. We believe that we are never alone. We believe the Lord goes before us. We believe that all things glorify our Almighty God in the end. The same God that is our God on the mountain is the same God that is with us in the valley.

     I want to take the last of this post to thank each and everyone of you that is following this story and praying for my family. Each prayer is being heard by our God, and each prayer is being felt by my family. Please continue to pray for my mother and the doctors as they perform the surgery tomorrow. Pray that the Lord guides the hands of the doctors. Pray for all cancer to be GONE, and pray for a smooth recovery for my mother. We may be in a valley now, but soon our family will be on the mountain again.

"The Lord has made everything beautiful in its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people can not see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end." (Ecclesiastes 3:11)



  1. Amen! Prayers going up all day today from the Galloway household.....Beautiful post

  2. Amen! Prayers going up all day today from the Galloway household.....Beautiful post

  3. Prayers and prayers!! These comments are posting under an old blog title that I wrote several years ago during one of my many struggles with weight and I don't know how to change it, but finally I decided tonight that I wasn't supposed to. That title represents my old fleshly way of seeing myself. It is not the way I see myself now even though I may currently weigh more than I did then. That is because God has changed my situation. He has brought me to a new place in Him and He is showing up and showing out in this situation as well. Kaley your heart for God is shining through and He is being glorified!! Thanks for keeping us,all up to date. Miss Lisa

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Praying for you all even at this very moment... Praying for peace, comfort, guidance of the surgeon's hands, and complete healing in your sweet mama's body. Find rest in CHRIST alone! He will be your light, your strength, and your song ������ Shelley

  6. Praying for you all even at this very moment... Praying for peace, comfort, guidance of the surgeon's hands, and complete healing in your sweet mama's body. Find rest in CHRIST alone! He will be your light, your strength, and your song ������ Shelley

  7. Thinking about you and your family. For comfort. I will be praying for you. Dama Darby

  8. Thinking about you and your family. For comfort. I will be praying for you. Dama Darby

  9. Praying for you, your family and the hospital staff that will be working with you this morning.
