Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Surgery Day - Update 6 (Back in Room)

     Mom is out of recovery and has been moved to the ICU stepdown unit to be monitored more closely.  She looks pitiful, and it is hard to see a woman that i know just hiked over 30 miles in Michigan less than a month ago, in the shape she is now, but she is alive and stable and supposedly cancer/tumor free!  Dr Christein said that the cancer was actually smaller than they originally thought, which is wonderful news and a miracle in itself that it was found so early.

     Mom has been in a good bit of pain since the surgery.  She was started on a Patient Controlled Analgesia pump down in PACU.  They originally started her on morphine but it was not sufficient for her pain. Her doctors switched her over to Dilaudid in her PCA when she got to stepdown and it seems to be helping her a lot more.  Since starting the Dilaudid and getting situated in bed her respirations have stabilized from 24-27 per minute back to within normal limits. Her BP's have remained normal as well even with the high dose narcotics, O2 sat and HR have been holding steady and have been within normal limits as well. 

     She is becoming more coherent with each passing minute as she wakes up from the anesthesia.  Pain control seems to be the biggest prayer need at this time.

    All company has gone for the day, but i do want to give a shout out and a "we love you" to the wonderful people that came and sat with us today, some from 5:30am to 5:30 pm - Uncle Steve, Aunt Kathy, Uncle Terry, Aunt Sue, Uncle Jamie, Paul Johnson. We love all of you and your presence meant more than we could express.

     To all of those who have undoubtedly "prayed without ceasing". We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your intercessions for us in out time of need. God still hears prayers, God still answers and acts, and God delights to do these things at the request of His children for the glory of His name.  Never have we seen prayer manifest its power in such a tangible way.  We love all of you and keep the prayers coming. I have no doubt that ya'll will pray her right out of this hospital room and right home!

To God be the glory, Great things He has done!!

-  Luke


  1. I'm overcome with joy....God is Great!!!

  2. I'm overcome with joy....God is Great!!!

  3. Prayers for the pain. Glad they found,something that is working better than the morphine. And thank you for the updates. We love you guys so much.

  4. Prayers for the pain. Glad they found,something that is working better than the morphine. And thank you for the updates. We love you guys so much.

  5. There are no words to describe the joy we have right now for such wonderful news. God is good! We have continued to pray for Kim and all of you. Prayers for a quick recovery and pain control. Cannot wait to see you all again soon and give you all a huge hug. Love you all!

  6. There are no words to describe the joy we have right now for such wonderful news. God is good! We have continued to pray for Kim and all of you. Prayers for a quick recovery and pain control. Cannot wait to see you all again soon and give you all a huge hug. Love you all!

  7. We know this God ... He is good and He is trustworthy. He lavishes His love on us because of who He is. We are SOOOO grateful for His mercy, kindness and healing today on Kim. Indeed ... to God be the Glory ... Great things He hast done !!
