Sunday, October 9, 2016

Update for Sunday, October 9th, 2016

October 9th, 2016

     Mom looks like she feels like herself today. On arriving to her room today Sheila and I found it empty.  Wondering where they were, I called Dad to inquire.  Come to find out mom had done several laps around the unit with her IV pole and had decided to walk down to the cafeteria and all the way back up!

     The Doctors came in this morning and informed us that Mom’s surgery (Whipple procedure) will actually not be until Tuesday, not Monday as we had been previously told.  She is currently up in a chair and looking like herself for the first time in days.

     Continued prayers are appreciated and most specifically:  Prayers for a safe and successful surgery, negative resection margins (NO cancer left even at a microscopic level), a speedy and complication-free recovery, to prepare her body to undergo chemotherapy, and for any residual cancer cells to be prepped for eradication!

I claim victory in the name of Jesus!!

-   Luke


  1. Sending prayers and lots of love! We love you, Kim!
    Mike & Karen

  2. So sorry you're having to wait one more day. :( Loved being able to see you yesterday and pray with you. Remember, God has this! It's going to be ok. Love you!!! <3

  3. That is the most precious smile ever. Praying for, and with, you all. Love to all you Barkley's

  4. Please give your mom a huge hug from us the next time you see her. We love you all and have you cover in prayer from Michigan!

  5. Thank you all so much for this blog. Love the updates and that God is always in control. Victory in HIS name!!!

  6. We are praying for you!!!! -JoJo

  7. My thoughts and prayers are with you! You can do this!!!!

  8. Kim you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  9. Love you guys. Praying and claiming this victory. So glad we were able to see you all today.

  10. Love you guys. Praying and claiming this victory. So glad we were able to see you all today.

  11. Please give your mom my love. Prayers are going up from a very soaked Charleston....God is the ultimate healer...Victory in His you guys....

  12. Many Many Prayers being sent. Family is so important especially in times like this. So glad to see the Strength surrounding her.

  13. Kim has the best outlook on all things. So positive and strong in here faith! Love and prayers go out to all your family.

  14. Kim has the best outlook on all things. So positive and strong in here faith! Love and prayers go out to all your family.

  15. Prayers being sent to give you strength, to guide your surgeons' hands and for the team of health care providers working with you for a complete recovery.

  16. Kim, My thoughts will be with you over the coming weeks. I may not be there in person, but I'll be there in spirit.
